Plot Synopsis (continued)
morning, December 12]
next morning, Marion wakes up from her lying position in the front
seat of her car, where she has pulled it over to the shoulder of
the road beneath some bare hills to get some sleep. She is startled
by rapping knuckles on her driver's side window and horrified to
see a California Highway Patrolman (Mort Mills) with frightening
dark glasses staring at her through the car window. His glasses reflect
back her inner soul - ridden with guilt. Marion impulsively turns
on the ignition to leave, but he orders her ("acting as if something's
wrong") to "hold it there."
After rolling down her window, she tries to act calmly
as he suggests that she would be safer in a motel [ha!]. While scrutinizing
her, he can sense that she is skittish and nervous:
Patrolman: In quite a hurry.
Marion: Yes, I didn't intend to sleep so long. I almost had an accident
last night from sleepiness so I decided to pull over.
Patrolman: You slept here all night?
Marion: Yes. As I said, I couldn't keep my eyes open.
Patrolman: There are plenty of motels in this area. You should've...I
mean just to be safe.
Marion: I didn't intend to sleep all night. I just pulled over. Have
I broken any laws?
Patrolman: No, ma'am.
Marion: Then I'm free to go.
Patrolman: Is anything wrong?
Marion: Of course not. Am I acting as if there's something wrong?
Patrolman: Frankly, yes.
Marion: Please, I'd like to go.
Patrolman: Well, is there?
Marion: Is there what? I've told you there's nothing wrong, except
that I'm in a hurry and you're taking up my time.
Because she is short with him, he asks to check her
driver's license. From a low camera angle facing back from the passenger's
seat, she turns her back to him and digs into her purse as the patrolman
is leaning on the window behind her and watching her (omnisciently).
Marion removes the envelope from her purse and desperately hides
it between her body and the automobile seat, and then finds her documents.
He checks the license and registration (her 1959 Arizona license
plate number is ANL 709 - signifying anal-obsessive behavior or something
more sordid?) and lets her drive away, but follows her from behind
for awhile, still suspicious, while the jarring music plays. [Through
subjective camera movements, audience identification with her predicament
results in resentment and impatience with everything that makes it
difficult for her flight to succeed.] She drives through desolate
desert terrain somewhere between Los Angeles and Bakersfield - and
is greatly relieved (and so is the audience) when he turns off after
a sign reading: "RIGHT LANE FOR GORMAN." [Gore-man, a play
on words?]
In Bakersfield, California, she turns into a flashy "CASH
FOR CARS" used car lot. [This is the film's sole location
shoot.] While waiting for the salesman from the Used Car Department,
she purchases a Los Angeles Tribune newspaper from a coin-operated
vending machine and quickly scans the paper - for a possible report
of her theft? (She doesn't notice the same patrolman drive up, park
across the street, and stand next to his vehicle - looking very tall
while leaning on his car - to watch her.) The affable, fast-talking
used car salesman, California Charlie (John Anderson) greets her
California Charlie: I'm in no mood for trouble.
Marion (blurting back): What?
California Charlie: There's an old saying. The first customer of
the day is always the most trouble.
Hurriedly, realizing she must exchange her Arizona-plated
car for one that will not be identifiable, she asks: "Can I
trade my car in and take another?"
He accommodates her request: "You can do anything you have a mind
to. Being a woman, you will." He intuitively grasps her feelings
about her car: "Sick of the sight of it." She confirms his
perspective - and reveals her life's mood: "I'm in a hurry and
I just want to make a change." While a mechanic pulls her car
in to inspect it before selling her a different car, she is shocked
when she catches sight of the suspicious patrolman. Even though she
is aware that the new car she'll be purchasing will be able to be identified,
Marion quickly and irrationally decides on going ahead with her car
purchase - a light-colored '57 Ford. She causes the astonished, high-pressure
salesman to wonder why she is 'pressuring' him to make a swift
One thing people never ought to be when they're buying
used cars - and that's in a hurry...You mean you don't want the
usual day and a half to think it over? Ha! You are in a hurry aren't
ya? Is somebody chasin' ya?...Why, this is the first time the customer
ever high-pressured the salesman!
any negotiation, Marion agrees to his first offer, her out-of-state
car's trade-in value (and proof of ownership) plus $700, adding warily: "I
take it you can prove that car is yours." Before paying, she
enters the enclosed ladies room to unwrap and handle the stolen money
and to take the car title out of her purse. (Her image is schizophrenically
reflected in the lavatory's mirror.) She counts out seven $100 dollar
bills over the grimy rest room's sink and returns to California Charlie,
who is terribly suspicious of her uneasy, atypical behavior and her
refusal to take a trial spin. She defends her own impatience: "Can't
we just settle this?...Is there anything so terribly wrong about
making a decision and wanting to hurry? Do you think I've stolen
my car?" After they have made the deal and she rushes to her
new car, the patrolman slowly pulls his vehicle into the car lot.
When she hurriedly begins driving off, the greasy mechanic calls
out: "Hey!" giving her quite a fright - but it is only
because she has forgotten her luggage. It is loaded into the back
seat of her car before she drives off, leaving the dumbfounded trio
(the cop, the salesman, and the mechanic) staring at her restless
[Saturday evening]
Now a fugitive (or "wrong one"), she drives
all day Saturday on monotonous roads as the dark night approaches.
Marion is tormented even more by menacing, inner monologues from
off-screen voices. Her disintegrating mental state and self-destructive
conscience (and physical weariness) cause her to look inward and
punish herself - as she imagines and forecasts events leading up
to her capture. Headlights from oncoming cars illuminate her face
like interrogation spotlights:
[Saturday - imagined]
- California Charlie: Heck officer, that was the first time I ever
saw the customer high-pressure the salesman. Somebody chasin'
- Patrolman: I'd better have a look at those papers, Charlie.
- California Charlie: Did she look like a wrong one to you?
- Patrolman: Acted like one.
- California Charlie: The only funny thing. She paid me $700 in cash.
[Monday - imagined]
- Caroline: Yes, Mr. Lowery.
- Mr. Lowery: Caroline, Marion still isn't in?
- Caroline: No, Mr. Lowery, but then she's always a bit late on Monday
- Mr. Lowery: Buzz me the minute she comes in.
- Mr. Lowery: And call her sister. No one's answering
at the house.
- Caroline: I called her sister, Mr. Lowery, where she works - the
Music Maker's Music Store, you know. And she doesn't know where Marion
is any more than we do.
- Mr. Lowery: You'd better run out to the house. She may be, well,
unable to answer the phone.
- Caroline: Her sister's going to do that. She's as worried as we
[Mr. Lowery on the phone with Marion's sister
- imagined]
- Mr. Lowery: No, I haven't the faintest idea. As I said, I last
saw your sister when she left this office on Friday. She said she
didn't feel well and wanted to leave early. I said she could. That
was the last I saw - oh, wait a minute. I did see her sometime later
driving. Uh, I think you'd better come over here to my office, quick!
Caroline, get Mr. Cassidy for me.
[Mr. Lowery on the phone with Mr. Cassidy - imagined]
- Mr. Lowery: After all Cassidy, I told you, all that cash! I'm not
taking any responsibility. Oh, for heaven's sake. A girl works
for you for 10 years, you trust her. All right yes, you better
come over.
[Mr. Lowery speaking with Cassidy in the office
- imagined]
- Cassidy: Well, I ain't about to kiss off forty thousand dollars.
I'll get it back and if any of it's missing, I'll replace it with
her fine soft flesh. [Marion's own fantasy judgment upon herself
is a foreshadowing of what is to come - a wish-fulfillment.]
- Cassidy: I'll track her. Never you doubt it. [Marion grins at Cassidy's
raging, vengeful threat and condemning indignation at the loss of
his money - and virile manhood. She fantasizes about his sadistic
desire to violently murder her and erotically punish "her fine
soft flesh." The grin foreshadows another similar one by Norman
Bates later in the film.]
- Mr. Lowery: Now hold on Cassidy. I-I still can't believe. It must
be some kind of a mystery. I-I can't...
- Cassidy: You check with the bank? NO! They never laid eyes on her?
NO! You still trustin'. Hot creeper. She sat there while I dumped
it out. Hardly even looked at it. Planned it. And even flirtin' with
drops begin to splash on the windshield, as oncoming headlights blind
Marion's tired eyes (she has been traveling for almost 30 hours with
nothing to eat and an uncomfortable Friday night's sleep in her car).
The rainstorm becomes more violent, and the windshield wipers slash
back and forth through the water across her window, accentuated by
the soundtrack. [A perfect visual metaphor for the celebrated shower
scene to come!] Although the rain has a cleansing, climactic effect
and her inner monologues cease (and the music dies down), her vision
is blurred and obscured - literally - and she becomes lost and drives
off the main road. Glaring car headlights (from behind or ahead)
disappear. The side road she has been derailed onto is dark - suddenly
up ahead, a neon
"BATES MOTEL VACANCY" sign appears (seen from her point of
view) - almost conjured up like all her other interior imaginations.
Her flight is aborted. She pulls in to the out-of-the-way, deserted,
and downbeat roadside motel - a modest but seedy looking place.
the rain is beating down, she parks in front of the motel office
and gets out of her car. The office is lighted but unattended. Then,
from the motel porch, she peers around the corner of the motel, looking
up at the gloomy, gothic-style Victorian house behind the motel on
a hill. The stereotypical horror movie's 'old dark house' looks like
a giant skull with lighted windows/eyes. In a lighted second story
window, she sees the silhouetted figure of an old woman pass in front
of the window. She honks her horn a few times to signal her presence.
The nervous, gangly thin, shy, peculiar but likeable
caretaker, Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins) breathlessly bounds down
the steps on the hill in the rain (carrying an unopened umbrella)
- smiling and greeting her with the words:
Gee, I'm sorry I didn't hear you in all this rain.
Go ahead in, please.
she enters the empty office, the camera captures her reflected image
in a mirror, and then a split-second image of both of their faces
in the mirror. They speak to each other in profile across the desk,
prefaced by his meaningful, ironic comment: "Dirty night." According
to the twitchy proprietor, the motel is completely vacant:
have twelve vacancies. Twelve cabins, twelve vacancies. They moved
away the highway."
-- Play clip (excerpt): 
He is delighted to see a visitor because nobody ever
stops at the motel unless they accidentally get off the "main
road" [another ironic comment about her waywardness]: "Nobody
ever stops here anymore unless they've done that." Her handbag
is placed next to her on the desk, with the word "OKAY" visible
at the top of her folded Los Angeles Tribune newspaper. With
frayed nerves from her experience, Marion awkwardly registers in
the guest book under a false identity as Marie Sam-uels [a
reference to her unfulfilled wish to marry Sam] from Los Angeles
after a glance at her paper. The motel keeper banters on with a significant
There's no sense dwelling on our losses. We just
keep on lighting the lights and following the formalities.
At the same moment that she lies about her address,
the attendant hesitates when he reaches for the room key to Cabin
3. Turning slightly sideways, he selects instead the key to Cabin
1 - the room that adjoins the office: "it's closer in case you
want anything." She learns she is only about 15 miles from Fairvale,
Sam's town. He takes her bags from the back seat and leads her to
her room. As he shows her the interior of the room, he comments on
its smell - another richly-textured line: "Boy, it's stuffy
in here," and opens the window. In a charming, friendly, eager-to-please
way, the uptight proprietor meticulously shows Marion where everything
is, pausing on the word "mattress"
[a word remarkably similar to the word matricide], possibly
because he is nervous about being in the bedroom alone with a pretty
Well the, uh, mattress is soft, and there's hangers
in the closet and stationery with 'Bates Motel' printed on it,
in case you want to make your friends back home feel envious. --
-- Play clip (excerpt): 
Framed bird pictures adorn the drab walls. But he stammers
as he turns on the bright bathroom lights and points her to the "and
the, uh, over there"
(she must provide the word bathroom for him as if it was a forbidden,
dirty word), the white-tiled bathroom. He offers his services: "Well,
if you want anything, just tap on the wall. I'll be in the office."
When she learns his name - it's not "Mr. Bates" he
suggests, but a more personable "Norman Bates" - her image
is reflected in the room's mirror, clutching her purse with the stolen
bundle of money. He shyly and humbly invites her to dinner in his
house: "Would you have dinner with me? I was just about
to myself. You know, nothing special, just sandwiches and milk...I
don't set a fancy table, but the kitchen's awful homey." [His
own self-deprecating opinion of himself is that he is "nothing
special."] She agrees and he tells her to wait in her room and
he'll be back "as soon as it's ready" with his
"trusty umbrella."
While he is gone, Marion places both her handbag and
suitcase on the bed. She takes the money from her handbag and looks
for a better place to conceal the money - she opens up three drawers.
She finally decides to wrap it up in her Los Angeles newspaper and
place it in plain view on the bed nightstand (the word 'OKAY' is
ironically still visible in the headline). [As she sets the paper
down, it's as if a voice she hears saying "NO!" from the
house judges her guilty action.]
Through the window (that Norman conveniently opened)
facing the old house, Marion hears voices - an argument that Norman
is having with his shrill-voiced, domineering mother (voice of "Mother" by
Virginia Gregg) over his "cheap erotic"
dinner invitation to the young woman [the film's voyeur theme is reinforced
by the idea of Norman's mother 'peeking' into her son's life with her
Mother: No! I tell you, No! I won't have you bringing
strange young girls in for supper. By candlelight, I suppose, in
the cheap erotic fashion of young men with cheap erotic minds.
Norman: Mother, please!
Mother: And then what - after-supper music, whispers?
Norman: Mother, she's just a stranger. She's hungry and it's raining
out. (Marion turns away from the window)
Mother: (mocking him) 'Mother, she's just a stranger.' As if men
don't desire strangers. (Marion turns back and eavesdrops some more)
Oh, I refuse to speak of disgusting things because they disgust me.
Do you understand, boy? Go on, go tell her she'll not be appeasing
her ugly appetite with my food or my son. Or do I have
to tell her, because you don't have the guts? Huh, boy? Do you have
the guts, boy?
Norman: Shut up! Shut up! -- Play clip (excerpt): 
she turns away from the window until she hears the door shut. She
watches Norman, who has defied his mother, carrying a tray of sandwiches
and a pitcher of milk down the hill. Marion waits outside her motel
door, and moments later sees Norman turn the corner onto the porch: "I
caused you some trouble," she apologetically states. As they
stand together on the porch, the camera photographs them as if they
were the two sides of the same coin, and Norman's image is reflected
in the glass window behind him - and symbolic of his split personality.
Crestfallen, Norman tells Marion that his mother is extremely disagreeable.
She resigns herself to 'eat'-ing his "fixed" supper:
Norman: No. Mother, my mother, uh, what is
the phrase? - she isn't qu-quite herself today. -- Play
clip (excerpt):
Marion: You shouldn't have bothered. I really don't have that much
of an appetite.
Norman: Oh, I'm sorry. I wish you could apologize for other people.
Marion: Don't worry about it. But as long as you've fixed the supper,
we may as well eat it.
As she leans back with her hands folded across her
front and invites him into her motel room to eat, Norman steps forward
and backward one step, stiffens uncomfortably and lowers his gaze,
and then proposes that it would be "nicer and warmer" in
the motel office. She is amused by his bashfulness and pathetic self-consciousness
- and sympathetic to his nervous awkwardness around her. And because
it is "too officious" in the office, he suggests the darkened
parlor (with only one Tiffany lamp) behind the office: "I-I-I-I
have the parlor back here."
[The ominous invitation into the parlor recalls the
words of Mary Howitt's 19th century poetic fable, The Spider
and the Fly - an excerpt follows below:
"Will you walk into my parlor?" said the
spider to the fly;
"'Tis the prettiest little parlor that ever you may spy.
The way into my parlor is up a winding stair,
And I have many curious things to show when you are there."
"Oh no, no," said the little fly; "to ask me is in
For who goes up your winding stair can ne'er come down again."...
And then, in the conclusion:
...He dragged her up his winding stair, into the
dismal den -
Within his little parlor - but she ne'er came out again!
And now, dear little children, who may this story read,
To idle, silly, flattering words I pray you neer give heed;
Unto an evil counsellor close heart and ear and eye,
And take a lesson from this tale of the spider and the fly.
The parallel to the fable is even more prophetic
when one recalls the final ironic words of Norman (or his alter
ego): "I'm not even gonna swat that fly. I hope they are watching.
They'll see. They'll see and they'll know and they'll say, 'Why,
she wouldn't even harm a fly.'"]
parlor is decorated with his stuffed [stuffy, but in another sense]
trophy birds mounted on the walls or on stands - an enormous predatory,
nocturnal owl with outstretched wings, a raven [a bird with a knife-like
beak that preys on carrion (Marion?)], a pheasant, and a hawk - and
classic paintings of nude women being raped. As he sits straight
up and leans forward as in a toilet-like position while she nibbles
on a sandwich (but doesn't drink any of the milk from the large pitcher),
he looks on, fondles a stuffed bird, and talks about his "uncommon" and "cheap" hobby "to
pass the time" - his interest in avian taxidermy:
Norman: It's all for you. I'm not hungry. Go ahead.
(He intently watches her first bite.) You, you eat like a bird.
Marion (looking around): You'd know of course.
Norman (stuttering): No, not really. Anyway, I hear the expression,
'eats like a bird' it, it's really a fals-fals-false-falsity because
birds really eat a tremendous lot. But I don't really know anything
about birds. ['Birds' also connotes 'women'.] My hobby is stuffing
things. You know, taxidermy. And I guess I'd just rather stuff birds
because I hate the look of beasts when they're stuffed. You know,
foxes and chimps. Some people even stuff dogs and cats but, boy,
I can't do that. I think only birds look well stuffed because, well
because they're kinda passive to begin with. (She tears the piece
of bread in her hands, ending up with typical 'bird' food - bread
Marion: Strange hobby. Curious.
Norman: Uncommon, too.
Marion: Oh, I imagine so.
Norman: And itsa, it's not as expensive as you'd think. It's cheap
really, you know, needles, and thread, sawdust. The chemicals are
the only thing that, that cost anything.
Marion: A man should have a hobby.
Norman: Well, it's, it's more than a hobby. (He fondles a stuffed
bird on the bureau next to him.) A hobby's supposed to pass the time,
not fill it.
Marion: Is your time so empty?
Norman: No, uh.
He dutifully confides that he doesn't have other friends
- his "best friend is his mother." Their conversation leads
to speaking about how human beings become imprisoned "in our
private traps" - in a narrow and minimal existence - in the
course of their private lives. Marion sees parallels in her own life
- she is caught in a degraded and draining relationship with a weak-willed
Sam, similar to how Norman is debilitated by his enforced caring
for his mother:
Norman: Well, I run the office and uh, tend the cabins
and grounds and, and do a little, uh, errands for my mother. The
ones she allows I might be capable of doing. (He smiles to himself.)
Marion: Do you go out with friends? (He brings his hands back to
his lap.)
Norman: Well, a boy's best friend is his mother. You've
never had an empty moment in your entire life, have you? -- Play
clip (excerpt):
Marion: Only my share.
Norman: Where are you going? (She appears stony-eyed.) I didn't mean
to pry.
Marion: I'm looking for a private island. (He leans forward.)
Norman: What are you running away from?
Marion (frowning): Wh-why do you ask that?
Norman: People never run away from anything. (changing the subject)
The rain didn't last long, did it? You know what I think?
I think that we're all in our private traps, clamped in them, and
none of us can ever get out. We scratch and, and claw, but only at
the air, only at each other. And for all of it, we never budge an
inch. -- Play clip (excerpt):
Marion: Sometimes, we deliberately step into those traps.
Norman: I was born in mine. I don't mind it any more.
Marion: Oh, but you should. You should mind it.
Norman: Oh, I do. (Laughs and shrugs) But I say I don't.
Assertively, Marion insists that he can free himself
from the traps that he feels have possessed him since birth - in
actuality, she is in the process of healing herself and ready to
renounce her own madness. She can't believe that he is traumatized
so harshly by his mother - and suggests he should break away from
her. According to Norman, he was raised by his widowed mother after
the age of five. He was the central focus of his mother's attention
until she fell in love with a man who talked her into building the
Bates Motel. When his mother's lover died under unusual circumstances
and she was bankrupted,
"it was just too great a shock for her" and she went insane:
Marion: You know, if anyone ever talked to me the
way I heard the way she spoke to you...
Norman: (positioned in front of his stuffed owl) Sometimes, when
she talks to me like that, I feel I'd like to go up there and curse
her and, and leave her forever. Or at least defy her. (He sits back
passively like a little boy.) But I know I can't. She's ill.
Marion: She sounded strong.
Norman: No, I mean ill. She had to raise me all by herself
after my father died. I was only five and it must have been quite
a strain for her. She didn't have to go to work or anything like
that. He left her a little money. Anyway, a few years ago, Mother
met this man, and he talked her into building this motel. He could
have talked her into anything. And when he died too, it was just
too great a shock for her. And, and the way he died. (he smiles
broadly at the thought) I guess it's nothing to talk about while
you're eating. Anyway, it was just too great a loss for her. She
had nothing left.
Marion: Except you.
Norman: A son is a poor substitute for a lover. [The film's suggestion
of incest!]
Marion: Why don't you go away?
Norman: To a private island, like you?
Marion: No, not like me. (Marion's pose is similar to the one of
the nude woman in the painting in the far left background behind
Norman was forced into the role of nurse-maiding his
deranged and invalid [mentally - "ill" ?] mother after
his step-father's death. He erupts with furious intensity when she
suggests that his mother be committed "someplace..." Marion
is slowly made aware of how Norman's imprisoning predicament and
treatment by his mother is far worse than her own situation. After
Norman has sympathetically told her the story of his mother and their
hard lives, Marion is compassionate but incredulous regarding his
passive acceptance of his duty, his unhealthy, troubled devotion
to his mother, and his sexual repression:
Norman: I couldn't do that. Who'd look after her?
She'd be alone up there. The fire would go out. It'd be cold and
damp like a grave. If you love someone, you don't do that to
them - even if you hate them. You understand that I don't hate
her. I hate what she's become. I hate the illness.
Marion: Wouldn't it be better if you put her - (she pauses and avoids
speaking the obvious word) someplace ...
Norman (leaning forward with a mad look on his face, both angry and
defensive): You mean an institution? A madhouse? People
always call a madhouse 'someplace,' don't they? Put her in 'some
place.' -- Play clip (excerpt):
Marion: I'm sorry. I didn't mean it to sound uncaring.
Norman: (He grins) What do you know about caring? Have you ever seen
the inside of one of those places? The laughing and the tears! And
the cruel eyes studying you. My mother there? [A foreshadowing of
the film's climax.] But she's harmless! She's as harmless as one
of those stuffed birds! [literally!]
Marion: I am sorry. I only felt - it seems she's hurting you.
I meant well.
Norman: (bitterly) People always mean well. They cluck their thick
tongues and shake their heads and suggest oh-so-very-delicately.
(He leans back and turns back into his affable self.) Of course,
I've suggested it myself, but I hate to even think about it. She
needs me. (He leans forward again.) It's not as if
she were a maniac, a raving thing. She just goes a little mad sometimes.
We all go a little mad sometimes. (He leans back, smiles,
and relaxes.) Haven't you? -- Play clip (excerpt):
Marion: (firmly) Yes. Sometimes just one time can be enough. Thank
Norman: Thank you, Norman.
Marion: Norman. (She stands to leave his company.)
the conclusion of their discussion, he attempts to solidify their
first-name-basis intimacy, but she is only thankful that she has
learned a lesson from their talk. [Marion's admission that she has
sunk to neurotic depths ("we all go a little mad sometimes")
parallels Norman's own psychotic, pitiable trap in which he is hopelessly
caught.] Marion realizes how horrible life can be when one is trapped
in a situation without escape. In the mad act of stealing her boss's
money, she has placed herself in such a trap.
Benefiting from Norman's example and trapped, self-sacrificing
condition, he has provided or suggested a way of liberating salvation
for Marion - and she gratefully thanks him. Regaining her sanity
and rationality, she is resolved to extricate herself from her own
self-imposed "private trap back there" due to lack of money
and a frustrating romance. She will return to Phoenix to turn herself
in "before it's too late":
Marion: I have a long drive tomorrow, all the way
back to Phoenix.
Norman: (incredulously) Really?
Marion: I stepped into a private trap back there and I'd like to
go back and try to pull myself out of it before it's too late for
me to.
Marion forgets, however, that she has signed the register
with a fake name and fake home address, and now tells Norman that
her name is Crane. Norman watches her return to her cabin, and then
takes another look at the register, smirking at the false name and
location. [Norman Bates' hobby, "baiting ,"
snaring and trapping birds for stuffing - such as the "crane'
woman from Phoenix - another legendary bird - has again found a suitable
match - and he is amused by it.] |