The Women (1939)
In director George Cukor's adaptation of Clare Boothe's
legendary stage comedy with an all-female cast, and a spectacular
Technicolor Fashion Show sequence:
- the opening credits represented each of the
leading lady stars as an animal before dissolving into a close-up
- one of the highlights was the Sylvia/Peggy (Rosalind
Russell-Joan Fontaine) exercise/work-out scene
- a rough, dirty-fighting brawl (including
a leg bite) was fought at a dude (divorce) ranch in Reno between
Miriam Aarons (Paulette Goddard) and Sylvia (Mrs. Howard Fowler)
- Mary Haines' (Norma Shearer) delivered a memorable "women
are equal" speech
- acidic dialogue included gold-digging shopgirl
Crystal Allen's (Joan Crawford) final parting words:
"...there's a name for you ladies, but it isn't used in high society,
outside of a kennel"
The Technicolor
Fashion Show Sequence
The Brawl
at the Dude (Divorce) Ranch

Crystal's Parting Words