Valley of the Dolls (1967)
This successful Fox film from director Mark Robson was
based upon Jacqueline Susann's top-selling novel of 1966. It became
Fox Studios' top money-maker hit for 1968, although it was severely
criticized by most film critics as vulgar and sensationalistic:
- most of the sex (filmed in silhouette), scandal, and
drug abuse now seems tame by today's standards. The campy classic included
scenes of the three major stars' many sexual dalliances (never very
explicit) and tragic failings due to pill-popping (pills=dolls), drinking
and addiction. During the prologue during the opening title credits,
one of the three "dolls" (Anne Welles) spoke the film's first
dialogue (in voice-over) as an animation played of three characters
transformed into colorful "dolls" or pills:
You've got to climb Mount Everest to reach the Valley
of the Dolls. It's a brutal climb to reach that peak. You stand there.
Waiting for the rush of exhilaration; but, it doesn't come. You're
alone and the feeling of loneliness is overpowering.
Film's Prologue During Opening Title Credits
It was a trashy, kitschy, and 'it's-so-bad-it's-good'
soap-opera about three aspiring starlets who found popularity and fame,
but all of them soon became 'corrupted' by show business in both New
York and Hollywood:
- Anne Welles (Barbara Parkins)
- Neely O'Hara (Patty Duke)
- Jennifer North (Sharon Tate)

Anne Welles (Barbara Parkins)

Neely (Patty Duke)

Chorus Girl Jennifer North (Sharon Tate)
- in the opening sequences, the three main characters were
introduced as their paths began to repeatedly crisscross throughout
the film. The naive, Radcliffe-educated Anne Welles (Barbara Parkins)
had arrived in NYC from her hometown of Lawrenceville in New England
and found employment as a secretary with a theatrical law firm and
talent agency - Bellamy and Bellows.
- in a local Broadway theatre during a rehearsal where
she was delivering contracts to aging, vulgar, selfish, egotistical
and abrasive actress Helen Lawson (Susan Hayward), Anne was shocked
when in Helen's dressing room, she saw the marked difference between
Lawson's glamorous public image as a musical comedy star-diva and her
mean-spirited and real-self (an "evil queen bitch") in the "cruel
business" of entertainment. She listened as the determined Helen
felt threatened and vowed to fire an aspiring and talented young actress-singer
named Neely O'Hara (Patty Duke), for fear of being upstaged:
"You bet your ass she can't, because she isn't
going to get the chance. The only hit that comes out of a Helen Lawson
show is Helen Lawson. And that's me, baby, remember?"
- Neely decided to leave the show when Helen threatened
to cut her only number: ("I won't settle for crumbs. I'll leave
this stinking show - with dignity"). Her devoted, press-agent
boyfriend Mel Anderson (Martin Milner) comforted Neely with a hug:
Neely: "I had such big plans. I was gonna be a
big star. I was gonna take acting lessons and dancing lessons. Now
I don't even have a job. All I have is my dignity...."
Mel: "Honey, listen. It's a rotten business."
Neely: "I know. But I love it."
- a third performer in the show was a pretty but untalented
showgirl named Jennifer North (Sharon Tate), who remained a friend
to Neely and soon became friends with Anne too. While struggling to
find work, Neely was living with Mel in a cheap NYC apartment. Lyon
helped Neely to find work with an appearance on a popular telethon
to support cystic fibrosis, and as a singer in a nightclub. When Neely's
own popularity and singing career began to improve, she and Mel made
plans to marry: ("Mel, let's get married...I'm not kidding. I'll
be making good money. And with your 150 a week, we can really live").
- meanwhile, the third "doll" Jennifer had begun
secretly dating another nightclub singer Tony Polar (Tony Scotti),
although Tony's controlling half-sister Miriam (Lee Grant) disapproved
of their relationship ("But Miriam's got this thing about marriage.
She thinks it'll destroy what she calls my image").
The Main Men in the 'Dolls' Lives

Lyon Burke (Paul Burke) with Anne

Mel Anderson (Martin Milner) with Neely

Tony Polar (Tony Scotti) with Jennifer
- the talentless Jennifer regularly
performed bust exercises, and was financially supporting her mother
who often called on the phone. During one conversation, Jennifer
admitted: "Mother, I know I
don't have any talent, and I know all I have is a body, and I am doing
my bust exercises." After the call, she was ready to give up: "Oh,
to hell with them! Let 'em droop!"
- Anne soon
found romance with her agency's younger business partner, handsome
attorney Lyon Burke (Paul Burke), although the womanizer was opposed
to getting married: ("I'm not looking for a wife.
No, some men just don't pull well in double harness"). Neely's
growing stardom brought her fame on Broadway, prompting Lyon to send
her (and Tony) to Hollywood for singing auditions. Neely received acclaim
at the Grammy's and was soon making films for a Hollywood studio.
- simultaneously, Jennifer suddenly married Tony, causing
concern for Miriam as the newlyweds also relocated to the West Coast,
where Jennifer's modeling career blossomed and Tony's singing (and
cross-over to acting) career had also taken occurred.
- ultimately,
Anne and Lyon broke up over their differences, and Anne was hired away
from the law firm to take a cosmetics company modeling job, where she
would soon become known as "The Gillian
Over time, her popularity soared and she became a familiar face on
TV commercials, billboards, and in other magazine/newspaper ads. She
had a brief fling with her promoter - Kevin Gillmore (Charles Drake).
- in
Hollywood, Jennifer spoke to Mel about finding more acting work for
her husband Tony. Worried, Mel told Jennifer about major changes in
Neely's personality, due to the corruptive effects of show-business.
Her life now consisted of a busy work schedule, including wardrobe
fittings, makeup tests, publicity stills, plus increasingly-close interactions
with effeminate and wealthy Hollywood designer Ted Casablanca (Alexander
Davion), and the use of amphetamines and downers: "She
starts at 5:30 in the morning, still punchy from last night's sleeping
pills. So she takes a red pill to pep herself up and at midnight she's
still flying. I try to talk to her, it's like a brick wall....The studio
wants her to find out why she's so exhausted. They say they think it
must be emotional conflicts. Conflicts, my foot! There aren't enough
hours in the day. The head shrinker says she's - insecure. She needs
mass love."
- there were obvious cracks in their relationship due
to Neely's suspected affair with her designer Ted Casablanca, and
Neely's accusations that Mel was living off her earnings:
Mel: "I'm not the butler, Neely."
Neely: "You're not the breadwinner either...."
- Neely appeared to be cheating on Mel in an affair
with her designer Ted Casablanca - and her abuse of drugs, promiscuity,
and unpredictable behavior further doomed her relationship with Mel.
They ultimately separated and then divorced.
Mel: "You know, you're spending a lot more
time than necessary with that fag."
Neely: "Ted Casablanca is not a fag! And I'm the dame who
can prove it."
Mel: "Thanks for making up my mind. I should've left a long
time ago. But I kept remembering the old Neely. She was quite a
girl. Now you're just like all the rest of 'em - success is too
big for you."
Neely: "If you ask me, my success is too big for you."
- while Neely and Mel were splitting up, and she began
dating Ted, Anne - after her successful career had been launched -
was able to rekindle her relationship with Lyon (who remained Neely's
agent) in Los Angeles.
- there were further signs
that Tony had a severe, genetically-inherited terminal illness known
as Huntington's Chorea (a debilitating motor-neuron disease), and his
condition would affect any children that he fathered: ("Chances
for inheritance are extremely high, far above average").
When Jennifer found out, she was devastated with the news since she
was pregnant at the time - and she began to seek an abortion.
- Jennifer's
debilitated husband Tony was dying of an incurable disease and was
taken for treatment at Longview Sanitarium. Miriam contacted Frenchman
Mr. Claude Chardot (Richard Angarola) - a "quickie
European movie producer" to help pay Tony's bills by having Jennifer
negotiate to make "raw," artsy soft-core 'nudie' films in
Europe. He was interested in hiring an American because, as he put
it: "The general French girl is inclined to be flat in the bosom."
- in
the meantime while Jennifer was in Paris, Neely married Ted, but the
price of fame and stardom was taking its toll on the "self-destructive"
and self-loathing Neely from her increased drug abuse and alcoholism.
She was cautioned by Anne one evening to not consume both together:
Neely: "I take dolls. I gotta get some sleep.
I gotta get up at 5:00 in the morning and "sparkle, Neely,
Anne: "Neely, you know it's bad to take liquor with those
Neely: "They work faster."
- and then later that evening, wearing only her bra
and panties, Neely caught her husband Ted cheating on her by skinny-dipping
with a young female in their pool. She screamed out:
Neely: "Having fun, kiddies? Don't mind me,
go right ahead. I'll watch. You'd better run, you little tramp.
How dare you contaminate my pool. Here, maybe this will disinfect
it. (She poured booze into the water). All right faggot, start
Ted: "You need glasses, Neely. She's hardly built like a boy."
Neely: "I could take that better!"
Ted: "I'm sure you could. You know, you almost made me feel
I was queer."
Neely: "You're crazy...Yes, you are."
Ted: "You want me to fight your battles at the studio, take
you to openings. As a man, you're always too tired and too full
of those damn dolls."
Neely: "You've got guts! I catch you red-handed with a naked
broad in my pool and you sermonize me!"
Ted: "Not a sermon, Neely, just a few cold facts."
Neely: "Ted, you know how hard I work. When I come home, I'm
exhausted. How can I think of sex?"
- the next day, Neely's agent
Lyon reprimanded Neely still asleep in her bedroom for her tardiness,
drug and alcohol abuse, and informed the 26 year-old that she had
been fired from the studio: "They're
replacing you in the picture....You've been out six days because of
sleeping pills. You've been late on the set, and you walked out in
the middle of the day. To top it all, you've been boozing and eating
all through the picture!" The down and out (and completely strung
out) Neely agreed to dry out at an LA sanitarium, but then impulsively
flew to San Francisco. There outside of a number
of topless bars and adult theaters (where Jennifer's 'cutie nudie'
picture "The Flame of Montmartre" was showing at the Lyric)
were playing, she exclaimed - in the film's most quoted lines:
"Boobies, boobies, boobies. Nothin' but boobies.
Who needs em? (She felt her chest) I did great without 'em."
- upon her return to LA, Neely was hospitalized in the
same sanitarium where Tony had been hospitalized.
- finally
back on the West Coast from Europe and temporarily housed in the Bel
Air Carlton Hotel, Jennifer was doubly devastated, both by Tony's condition
and by a biopsy of her breast lump that discovered she had a malignant
tumor in her left breast. She was scheduled for a mastectomy the next
day. She confided in Anne that all she had was a pretty face and body: "All
I've ever had was a body, and now I won't even have that....Anne, honey,
let's face it. All I know how to do is take off my clothes." On
the phone, she also told her mother: "I won't be undressing in
public anymore." Rather
than having a disfiguring surgery that she thought would ruin her film
career (and make her unable to pay Tony's bills), she took a lethal
drug overdose. Her final thoughts and memories were of Tony.
- after recovering to some degree at the sanitarium,
Neely made plans to join her agent Lyon in NYC for a planned stage
comeback in a new Broadway show. Hints that they were having an affair
reached Anne - and she was crushed with the news. It caused Anne
to begin indulging in pill-popping - symbolized by a close-up of
her new prescription..
- although uninvited, Neely
stormed into a press reception party for her former nemesis Helen
Lawson whose new play was about to open. Confronting each other,
they engaged in a wild hair-pulling cat fight in a fancy ladies'
room. The argument began when Helen criticized Neely's lack of talent
and promise due to drug abuse:
"They drummed you right outta Hollywood, so
ya come crawlin' back to Broadway. Well, Broadway doesn't go
for booze and dope. Now you get outta my way, cause I've got
a man waitin' for me."
- Neely retorted: "That's a switch from the
fags you're usually stuck with." Helen replied: "At
least I never had to MARRY one!" Neely angrily shouted: "YOU
TAKE THAT BACK!" as she pulled off Helen's wig and insulted her
after noticing her gray hair: "Oh, my God. It's a wig!...HER HAIR'S
AS PHONY AS SHE IS!" Neely gave the wig a "shampoo" by
dropping it into a toilet bowl ("Giving it a shampoo. Goodbye,
pussycat. Meeowwww!") but it wouldn't flush away. She tossed the
wet wig back at Helen: ("Here it comes, special delivery").
Afterwards, she spoke to Lyon with words of advice: "I've had
it rough before. I'm a barracuda. I don't need pills like Neely. Sure,
I know you dried her out, but it won't last. Neely hasn't got that
hard core like me. She never learned to roll with the punches. And
believe me, in this business, they come left, right and below the belt...Nothing
can destroy her talent. But she'll destroy herself....watch it, my
friend. Find yourself a good girl, have kids, or one day you'll wind
up alone like me and wonder what the hell happened."
- the
news of Jennifer's suicide (in addition to her loss of Lyon to Neely
and her beginning dependence on pills) was so upsetting to Anne that
she abandoned everything to return back to her idyllic New England
- Neely also self-destructed by needlessly
breaking up with Lyon just before her opening night at The Playhouse
Theatre in "Tell
Me, Darling." After boasting to him: "I licked pills, booze
and the funny farm. I don't need anybody or anything," she fired
"Who needs you? You're just an agent!" Then, wearing her 2nd
act costume, she appeared so disoriented and drunk for her stage entrance
that she had to be replaced by her understudy. That night, she ended
up in a bar drinking and ingesting pills - and then down-and-out as a
burned-out addict in a deserted alleyway, all alone and calling out to
all her discarded friends: "Where is everybody? Hey, everybody,
where are you?" as a bell tolled.
- in the
film's ending, Lyon attempted to reconcile himself with Anne by visiting
her in her hometown, but she decided to politely decline his proposal
of marriage: ("It wouldn't work, Lyon...Perhaps
someday, Lyon. I don't know"), choosing instead to be independent
and single. Anne attempted to start fresh by walking away by herself
down a snowy road.

Anne's (Barbara Parkins) Arrival in NYC from Her New England Hometown

Helen Lawson (Susan Hayward)

NYC Press Agent Mel Anderson (Martin Milner)

Neely (Patty Duke) - Deciding to Leave the Broadway Show

Lyon with Anne

Mel with Neely

Jennifer Listening and Becoming Infatuated With Lounge Singer

Jennifer's Bust-Firming Exercises

Anne as the New "Gillian Girl"

Neely's Divorce From Mel - And Affair/Marriage to Ted Casablanca

Neely - Consuming "Dolls" with Alcohol

The Pool Confrontation Between Neely and Cheating Husband Ted (Alexander Davion)

Neely Fired From the Studio and Reprimanded by Her Agent Lyon

Jennifer Advertised as Appearing in European 'Nudie' Flicks

Neely: "Boobies, boobies, boobies. Nothin' but boobies"

Neely in LA Sanitarium
Jennifer (Sharon Tate) - After Being Tested for Breast Cancer
Jennifer's Suicidal Drug Overdose

Anne's First Use of Prescription Drugs

Helen and Neely's Confrontational Cat-Fight

Helen's Spiteful Words About Neely to Lyon

Neely Breaking Up with Her Agent Lyon

Neely Drunk and Disoriented Before Her Theatre Opening

Neely Drunk and Addicted In An Alleyway After Her Disastrous Opening Night