Three Coins in the Fountain (1954)
In director Jean Negulesco's Fox's
light, glossy, vapid and Technicolored CinemaScopic sentimental,
escapist romantic travelogue - the big-budget
film told about the blossoming of love affairs for three romance-minded
American secretaries (Dorothy McGuire, Jean Peters, and Maggie McNamara);
wearing designer clothes and living lavishly in an unusually-uncrowded
Rome ("The Eternal City"), they became romantically involved with
three Italian men (Louis Jourdan, Clifton Webb, and Rozanno Brazzi)
while working there; the film was based on the 1952 book Coins
in the Fountain by
John H. Secondari, and later remade as the musical The
Pleasure Seekers (1964) with Ann-Margret, Carol Lynley
and Gene Tierney that was set in Madrid, Spain; it received three
Academy Awards nominations (including Best Picture, although Rear
Window (1954) was missing from the nominees!) and won two
Oscars: Best Color Cinematography (for Milton Krasner) and Best Song:
- before the title credits, the film opened with Frank
Sinatra (uncredited) singing the Oscar-winning title song "Three
Coins in the Fountain" during a 4-minute, picturesque prologue
- it was a montage of Rome's (and Italy's) many spectacular water
fountains; the lyrics began: "Three coins in the fountain
Each one seeking happiness Thrown by three hopeful lovers Which
one will the fountain bless?..."
- one morning in Rome in the early 1950s, young American
Maria Williams (Maggie McNamara) arrived for a new job as a secretary
at the U.S. Distribution Agency (USDA); she would be
working for Mr. Burgoyne (Howard St. John) and replacing Anita
Hutchins (Jean Peters) who was returning to the US; Anita met her
in a blue convertible at the train station, and drove Maria to
the elegant and luxurious Villa Eden (serviced with maids and cooks),
where she was awed by the lavish place where she would be working:
("Oh, what a beautiful way to live"); she was told: ("Secretaries
live very well in Rome"); there, she met the emotionally-repressed
Miss Frances (Dorothy McGuire) who had been employed for 15 years
as the secretary for the great American author John Frederick Shadwell
(Clifton Webb), a stuffy, anti-social and elderly ex-pat who owned
the villa; Miss Frances cooed about their pleasurable lifestyle
in Italy with its favorable exchange rate: "You're paid at
the agency in dollars. The rate of exchange is in your favor"
The Film's Three Main Female Characters:

Maria Williams (Maggie McNamara)

Anita Hutchins (Jean Peters)

Miss Frances (Dorothy McGuire)
- after breakfast, the three females drove into the
city, but first stopped at the famous Trevi Fountain; the custom
was to throw a coin into the pool over one's shoulder and make
a wish ("a penny's worth of hope") - yet it would come true only
if one wished to return to Rome; Anita declined to make a wish
since she was leaving Rome to be married in the US
- at the USDA where they were dropped off while Miss
Frances returned to the villa, Anita introduced Maria to their
boss Mr. Burgoyne; invitations were being offered
for a swanky afternoon cocktail party at the Burgoyne's home; Anita
also introduced Maria to the agency's translator
Giorgio Bianchi (Rossano Brazzi), one of her co-workers for two
years; it was obvious to Maria that Giorgio was handsome and romantically
charming, but Anita feigned lack of interest in him, and claimed
it was office policy that American and Italian employees weren't
allowed to fraternize ("Secretaries are not allowed to go out
with local employees"), to avoid labeling the American girls as
The Three Main Male Characters:

John Frederick Shadwell (Clifton Webb)

Giorgio Bianchi (Rossano Brazzi)

Prince Dino di Cessi (Louis Jourdan)
- at the swanky Burgoyne party that afternoon, a
notorious, self-absorbed womanizer Prince Dino di Cessi (Louis
Jourdan) arrived in a silver Rolls-Royce convertible; he was described
as "handsome, wealthy, and has one of the oldest titles in
Maria was warned by both Anita and Miss Frances about socializing
with him - since he often took girls to Venice for romantic trysts:
"He's known as 'the predatory prince.' And girls who are seen
in his company more than once are known as Venice Girls...Once
you're known as a Venice Girl, you might as well go home";
Dino told Maria that people often spread "bad things" about
him, to disgrace his reputation; Dino urged Maria to ignore everything
rumored about him: "If
only half the things said about me were true, I'd be a happy man....There
is a conspiracy against me in Rome"
- while Anita and Maria walked back to the villa,
the disillusioned Anita described to Maria the reasons for her
own romantic failures in Rome: "If you're romantic, Rome is
not the city for you....Well, wealthy Italians don't waste their
time on secretaries, and the Italians that work at the agency are
too poor"; she had found an excuse to leave her job - return
to America to find a husband (she lied that she was engaged
and had a fiancee in the US); Maria quipped that she had wasted
a good coin in the Trevi Fountain
- the two unescorted American females were pinched
and followed by a fast-talking Italian man - only to be saved when
Giorgio appeared, and offered to tour them himself: "Would you
allow me to show you my Rome?"; while dining and drinking wine
in an outdoor cafe together, they observed the palazzo where the
piccolo-playing Dino lived with his mother; Giorgio invited Anita
(before she left Rome) to attend his family's country farm festa (or
celebration) the next day for his sister's engagement; Anita agreed
although admitted it was against the agency's rules
- the next day, Giorgio was late in picking up Anita
in his cousin Enrico's broken-down open truck (without
brakes or a horn) filled to capacity with many other relatives;
they were seen from another vehicle by Mr. and Mrs. Burgoyne who
expressed amazement at Anita accompanying the office interpreter
- meanwhile, Maria accepted an invitation from the
womanizing playboy Prince to fly her to Venice for the day only
- and secretly maneuvered for Miss Frances to be her chaperone
to guarantee that her reputation wouldn't be ruined
- during Anita's celebratory time at Giorgio's farm
with his family, the humble country boy Giorgio described to her
how when he first came to Rome as a boy, he threw a coin in the
Fountain of Trevi - and wished that he would return and become
a lawyer, but hinted that he hadn't fulfilled all of his wishes;
they decided to go down the hill to the valley with a pool and
stream, but when Anita sat in the driver's seat of his cousin's
brakeless truck, it went out-of-control and endangered her life;
Giorgio vainly attempted to rescue her - and only a crash into
a small tree saved her - and then he pledged his love to her: "I
love you so much. I want to tell you that I love you" - and
they kissed
- at work after the weekend, Mr. Burgoyne asked Maria
about Anita's questionable companionship over the weekend with
Giorgio that had violated office rules; Maria divulged that Anita
wasn't really engaged, and had "done nothing wrong," although Burgoyne
suspected otherwise - he thought that she was having a deceptive
affair with her co-worker (and might need to see a doctor due to
an unexpected pregnancy!); that evening, Mrs. Burgoyne caused her
husband to have more doubts about Anita: "Nice girls are human,
my dear"
- the following morning, Mr. Burgoyne fired Giorgio
"without a recommendation"; Anita was terribly upset
and incensed that Maria had betrayed her by speaking to their boss
about her false marital claims; she packed her bag to move out
of their apartment until she would actually depart from Italy
- Anita located Giorgio in his lower-class, poor living
quarters who admitted that he had broken office policies, but didn't
regret their time together; he claimed that he deserved to be fired,
and that he might have to change his legal career plans: ("Perhaps
I shouldn't be a lawyer if I cannot honor simple office rules");
she apologized profusely: "I can't just go away, leaving you here
to face a problem I created for you"; when he mentioned that she
wasn't "free" and had to leave for America soon anyhow, she told
him that she wanted to be with him and then admitted that she didn't
really have a fiancee: ("I'm not going to be married. I'm not even
engaged. I only told Burgoyne that as a excuse for leaving the
- Maria petitioned for Miss Frances to have Mr. Shadwell
ask for Giorgio's job back; meanwhile, they drove to an art museum
in Rome where Maria was pleased to learn that Prince Dino was there
with Shadwell discussing paintings he was donating; after discovering
that Dino loved modern art, Maria feigned considerable interest
to impress him with her "sensitivity" as a way to get closer to
him, and to follow Miss Frances' advice: ("You might end up meeting
his mother....Meeting Mama in Italy is the first step to the altar")
- Shadwell, who was a friend of Dino's, suspected
that Miss Frances was acting as a meddling match-maker between
the mis-matched Maria and Dino: "What are you trying to be, Mother
Goose?...Let people lead their own lives. They have absolutely
nothing in common"
- as part of her ploy to hook Dino and highlight their
commonality, the beguiling Maria dishonestly claimed she was almost
"three-quarters Italian" - and then turned flirtatious: "You have
an exciting mind. Something that handsome men rarely have, and
the combination might be too much for someone as responsive as
I am"; she began to collect information in a small black notebook
about Dino's preferential likes and dislikes, including his favorite
dishes, wine, opera, and love of piccolo music, and soon was astounding
him with her similar choices: "It is astounding how much we have
in common...I can think of nothing on which we disagree. It's amazing"
- and he promptly suggested that she meet his mother on Sunday
- the meeting with Dino's mother the Principessa (Cathleen
Nesbitt) went well; afterwards, Dino confided in Maria that he wasn't
at all suspicious of her: "She's the only woman I've ever
trusted completely - until I met you"; Maria was so overwhelmed
with guilt about her heartless deceptions and betrayals that she
was compelled to confess her manipulative dishonesty: "I've
lied to you from the first moment we met. I've done nothing to
restore your faith or your trust. I went after you with a well-organized
system.... I made a record of everything about you - what pleased
you or what displeased you. And then I pretended to like everything
that you liked - music and food, everything. And you, you were
as trusting as a lamb. You didn't have a chance"; Dino was
stunned by her crass admission and angrily drove her home
- the romantic prospects for both Anita and Maria
were now shattered; Anita returned to her apartment room after
spending time with Giorgio's family at the farm; and although she
was in love with Giorgio, she said that they had decided not to
marry because he was "dreadfully
poor" and
it wouldn't work between them: ("He'd have to give
up his studies or take me to live with his people")
- and then in the next-door apartment bedroom, Miss
Frances found the guilt-stricken Maria who was also packing to
leave Rome after being shunned by Dino:
("I'm going home. I'm going back with Anita"); Miss
Frances was actually relieved that she wasn't facing romantic
heartbreak herself: "I'm glad
I'm not young and vulnerable anymore"
- now it was Miss Frances' turn to make a momentous
decision and influence her own romantic ambitions - she would
join Anita and Maria to go home; after 15 years of being an "old
maid in Rome," she announced to Shadwell: "I've decided I want
to go back to America"; bewildered by her sudden exit, he tried
to discourage her: "What would you go back to? You've no relations.
You'd live alone in a hotel room, go to concerts on Sunday, and
work for some dull-witted business executive. What is attractive
about that prospect?"; he objected: "How am I going to get along
without you? I've come to depend upon you. I dislike change"; she
told him the real reason: "The prospect of becoming a lonely old
maid with a life behind her, a stranger in a foreign country isn't
much to look forward to either"
- to dissuade her from leaving, Shadwell casually
made a "genuine" but "rash offer" - "Have you ever considered the
possibility of marrying me?"; he described how it would be a marriage
of convenience, based upon years of companionship and friendship:
("There would be no surprises. You know me too well. I have enormous
respect for you. You add greatly to my comfort... The possibility
of arousing unsuspected passion at my age would be not only disturbing
but rather miraculous"); unbeknownst to him that she had always
pined for him (and that she was desperately in love with him for
15 years), she casually accepted
- later that day, the beaming Miss Frances told Anita
and Maria (who were packed to leave) about her "absurd" marital
plans with Shadwell: "I've decided to stay
and get married....Isn't it ironic? You're both so young and so
lovely, but of the three of us, I'm to be the bride"
- early the next day, Shadwell received a diagnosis
from Dr. Martinelli (Vicente Padula) of terminal illness and that
he had only a year to live; he refused going to the US for treatment:
"I have no desire to prolong uncertainty...There's never any preparation
for a death sentence, is there?"; he immediately visited the US
Consulate's Office to meet with Vice-Consul Mr. Hoyt (Willard Waterman)
to discuss the procedural "red tape" preparation of shipping a
body home after death; at the end of the short meeting, Shadwell
shocked Hoyt by mentioning that he was referring to his own body
- back in the villa, Shadwell abruptly told Miss Frances
that he had mistakenly, impulsively, and unseriously asked for
her hand in marriage; he admired that she had accepted his offer
- to selfishly keep her employed - the "offer of a man who
is interested only in keeping his secretary"; after retracting
his offer, he urged her to accept their broken engagement:
you do forgive me for my selfish panic?"), and
told her to book passage to the US as soon as possible, since he
would be leaving shortly for Capri for the summer months
- Miss Frances followed after Shadwell as he strolled
through the statuesque ruins of Rome to the Caffe
Flavia; there, she told him that she had just been informed by
phone of his diagnosis by Dr. Martinelli; Shadwell claimed that
he hadn't based his decision about their marriage on his health:
("It had nothing to do with it"); as he became drunk
on six double-scotches while they discussed his refusal to be treated,
he insisted he wasn't a believer in "wishful thinking" and
only wanted to face the facts and remain in Rome until his untimely
death: ("I've
no intention of seeking a dubious year of grace...I shall accept
my fate with as much good grace as I can muster"); he only
asked that she take care of the details of shipping his body for
burial back in America
- Miss Frances became extremely emotional over his
detached lack of sentimentality and moved to a different table to
also order six double-scotches to commiserate with him: "My
life is ending"; he followed the drunken and stumbling Miss
Frances to a nearby fountain where she went wading in public; he
assisted her in getting out of the water and returning to the villa,
where he comforted her as she moaned: "I haven't got anybody.
Nobody cares what happens to me"; she also spoke about trying
to help her friends with their complicated romances - Anita with
unemployed Giorgio, and Maria with the miffed Prince Dino: ("I
want my Maria to have her prince. Every girl should have her prince.
At least one"); as she recovered from drunkenness, he decided
to assist her friends
- Shadwell visited with his friend Dino at his palace
to inform him that he was now leaving the next day to America,
to marry Miss Frances after 15 years of loving her; he also explained
how he knew about Maria's deceptions: ("She almost tricked
you into marrying her, I understand"), and that it was justified
that she should suffer: ("And you're quite right in letting
her go back to America without a word. She deserves to be unhappy...These
girls in love never realize they should be honestly dishonest,
instead of being dishonestly honest"); when Shadwell stated: "She'll
be out of your life tomorrow, and you'll never be bothered by her
again," Prince Dino was provoked into recalling his true love
for Maria - who he realized had gone to great lengths to pursue
him and capture his interest; Shadwell continued on his way to
visit the Burgoynes (off-screen - to arrange for Giorgio's job
- the next day, as Anita and Maria were about to depart
for the train station, Miss Frances phoned
to invite them to meet her at the Trevi Fountain
- in the film's concluding sequence, the two arrived at the empty Trevi Fountain
(during cleaning), and the embittered Maria noted: "Clean out the
old dreams. Make way for the new ones. That fountain is a fraud.
When I tossed my coin in, I wished I could stay for a year in Rome.
And here I am, leaving after a month"; after Miss Frances
arrived to greet them, the fountain's waters began to flow once
again as she exclaimed: "Look! The fountain's coming to life again"; all
three couples were reunited with their partners as they admired
the revitalized fountain (as a chorus reprised the film's title
(l to r): Miss Frances, Maria, and Anita at the Trevi Fountain
- Tossing in Coins

Miss Frances with Her Boss in the Villa, Writer John Frederick Shadwell
(Clifton Webb)

In the USDA: (l to r) - Maria, Giorgio Bianchi, and Anita

The Three Ladies at the Swanky Burgoyne Cocktail Party

The First Kiss and Embrace Between Anita and Giorgio After Runaway Truck

Anita - Upset that Giorgio Had Been Fired For Breaking Office Rules With

Anita and Giorgio: Pledging Themselves to Each Other

Maria and Dino: In a Rome Museum Admiring Art Work

Maria Collecting Information on Dino's Likes and Dislikes in Notebook

Maria and Dino at the Italian Opera

Maria and Dino Dining Together

Their First Kiss

Maria's Deceptions Uncovered: "I lied to you..."

Mr. Shadwell's Casual Proposal of a Marriage (of Convenience) to Miss Frances
- She Accepted the "Rash Offer"

To Her Two Friends: "I'm to be the bride"

Miss Frances Getting Drunk with Shadwell After He Broke Off Their Engagement

The Drunken Miss Frances Wading in a Public Fountain - and Assisted by

Maria and Anita At the Emptied Trevi Fountain

Miss Frances: "Look, the fountain's coming to life again"

Mr. Shadwell with Miss Frances

Prince Dino with Maria

Anita with Giorgio