This is Spinal Tap (1984)
In this low-budget rockumentary by director Rob Reiner:
- the famous "These go to 11" scene in which
legendary bogus heavy-metal British rock group singer and lead
guitarist Nigel Tufnel (Christopher Guest) bragged about his collection
of guitars and his very special Marshall amp to rockumentary, cinema
verite film-maker Marty Di Bergi (Rob Reiner) - boasting that
the amplifier could go "one louder"
up to a volume setting of eleven ("These go to 11") - and
his blank response to Di Bergi's query why they just didn't make
10 louder: "Why don't you just make ten louder and make ten
be the top number and make that a little louder?"
- the scene of their arrival in America to endorse
their new and controversial album/cover Smell the Glove (filled
with vulgar songs such as "Big Bottomed Woman ", "Sex
Farm Woman", and the memorable song fusing Bach and Mozart (or
"Lick My Love Pump" with offensive lyrics) - and attired
in complete heavy metal regalia
- the scene of bass player Derek
Small's (Harry Shearer) 'enhanced' embarrassment when caught at an
airplane security checkpoint with a cucumber wrapped in aluminum
foil stuffed in his pants, after being asked: "Do you have any
artificial plates or limbs?..."
- the scene of Nigel's guitar room where he showed off
all of his instruments to Di Bergi, and bragged: "The sustain,
listen to it"; Di Bergi responded: "I'm not hearing anything"
- when Nigel added: "You would though, if it were playing"
- the scene at the gravesite of Elvis Presley in Memphis
after their show was cancelled when they harmonized on "Heartbreak
- the airforce base concert where the straight audience
was disgusted by their song "Sex Farm Woman"
- and the scene backstage in North Carolina when Nigel
was angered because the meat slices for sandwiches were larger than
the "miniature bread" slices
- and the band's convoluted attempts to walk from their
basement dressing room to the stage at their Cleveland concert ("Hello
- and the disastrous Stonehenge finale in which an
undersized stage prop - an 18 inch miniature Stonehenge monolith
monument - was constructed (the specifications were doodled on a
bar napkin for the designer who claimed: "lan, I was asked to
build it 18 inches high! Look, look, look. This is what I was asked
to build. 18 inches, right here, it's specified, 18 inches. I was
given this napkin, I mean"; Ian responded: "Forget this.
F--k the napkin!"); the small monument was lowered to the stage
and dwarfed by a pair of midgets cavorting around it, and the discussion
that followed: ("I do not, for one, think that the problem was
that the band was down. I think that the problem may have been, that
there was a Stonehenge monument on the stage that was in danger of
being crushed by a dwarf. Alright? That tended to understate the
hugeness of the object")
- the last line of the film after the end credits -
Nigel's response when asked if he would be happy being a shoe salesman:
"Well, I don't know. What are the hours?"
