Suspiria (1977, It./W.Germ.)
In Italian director Dario Argento's stylistic gothic
horror masterpiece about the supernatural and witchcraft - with dazzling,
starkly chromatic, visually-stunning and gaudy cinematography (with
rich pinkish reds and hazy blue colors) and meticulously-designed
Hitchcockian set-pieces. There were a
series of creatively-brutal and bloody murder scenes (i.e., the opening
elaborate double-murder sequence: a repeated chest stabbing into
a dancer's still-beating heart and then her body hanging from an
electrical cord, and the bisecting of another dancer by a falling
shard of glass from a crashing stained glass-window ceiling above
[Note: The film was remade by director Luca Guadagnino
as Suspiria
(2018) with Dakota Johnson as the main star.]
The unrated USA version featured more explicit gore
than the edited R-rated version, most notably in the opening, ultraviolent,
visceral murder sequence and when the blind pianist was attacked
and killed by his own seeing-eye dog.
- in the opening sequence, ingenue American ballet
dancer-heroine Suzy Bannion (Jessica Harper) arrived from New York
at the Munich, Germany airport and during a violent rainstorm,
she took a surreal taxi-cab ride to the Tanz (Dance) Academy in
Freiburg [Note: Although the academy was a set, a plaque on the
outside of the building was recreated - commemorating the fact
that it was briefly the residence of noted classical and theological
scholar Desiderius Erasmus.]
- as the taxi pulled up in front of the ornate academy
(with gold columns and reddish walls), young blonde ballerina Pat
Hingle (Eva Axen), a recently-expelled student from the dance academy
for improper conduct, was seen fleeing from the school's entrance,
spouting strange words: "The secret! I saw beyond the door! Three
irises - turn the blue one!"; when denied entry to the dance
academy, Suzy was forced to detour to town in the taxi to spend the
night; she watched briefly as Pat ran through the woods toward town
- Pat sought refuge that night
in the nearby apartment of female dancer-friend Sonia (Susanna Javicoli);
she vowed to go "away forever" the
next morning, and claimed she was very upset: "It all seems
so absurd, so fantastic. All I can do is get away from here as soon
as possible." Suddenly, after seeing a pair of eyes in the darkness
outside, an unseen assailant-killer's bare arm crashed through the
window behind her and reached around to grab her neck. Her face was
crushed against the window pane in front of her
- her friend Sonia heard the commotion and rushed for help in the hallway,
crying: "Help me, help me. There's a murderer!", and then
went running down the stairs to the lobby entrance area
The First Victim - Pat Hingle

Pat Stabbed in Heart
- Pat was repeatedly stabbed
in the chest by the killer with a large knife, as blood dripped from
her mouth; the killer grabbed a rope (or electrical cord) and wrapped
it around her body (with her arms pinned to her side), and then continued
to stab her - into her exposed still-beating heart - as she laid
on her back; her face (and then her entire body) were shoved through a colorful stained-glass
skylight window in the ceiling of the apartment lobby; she was
stopped in mid-fall by the cord catching around her neck that suspended
her only a foot or two from the floor as blood dripped down from
her body
- the camera panned over from the puddles of blood to
discover her deceased friend Sonia, the second victimized dancer on
the first floor who had been vainly calling for help; she had been
bisected by the falling shard of glass and other objects from the
ceiling's skylight

Madame Blanc (Joan Bennett)

Ms. Tanner (Alida Valli)

(l to r): Sara, Suzy, Olga
- the next morning, Suzy returned to the dance academy
where she was introduced to harsh teacher-instructor Ms. Tanner (Alida
Valli) and the academy's vice-director Madame Blanc (Joan Bennett);
she also met Olga (Barbara Magnolfi) and Sara (Stefania Casini)
and although initially Suzy was boarding off-campus with Olga,
she was moved into the dance academy without her consent, where she
became friends with Sara living next door
- during preparations for dinner, hundreds of maggots
rained from the ceiling - the result of crates of spoiled food discovered
on an upper floor
- there were a number of other suspicious happenings
in the school: (1) the unexpected early arrival of the dance academy's
directress - due to her distinctive whistling snoring sound in a
makeshift dormitory sleeping area surrounded by reddish-illuminated
sheets, and (2) the discovery that the teachers did not leave school
each evening at 9:30 pm for their homes in town, but retreated to
somewhere inside the building
- after an argument between Ms. Tanner and the
dance school's blind pianist Daniel (Flavio Bucci) who was accompanied
by a seeing-eye dog, Daniel resigned from the school; there
was another horrific scene in the middle of the town's large, deserted
piazza (Königsplatz) that
night, when Daniel was viciously attacked by his own spooked seeing-eye
dog, that lunged at his throat and windpipe and tore it out - seen in
Sudden Neck Attack by Seeing-eye Dog
- in another scary scene, sheer
negligee-wearing terrorized ballet dancer Sara
escaped attack by an unseen intruder by crawling through a window high
in a wall, only to tumble onto coils of concertina razor wire (where
her struggles cut deeply into her flesh). Suddenly, a black gloved
hand (from the unseen figure) covered her mouth to stifle her screams,
and then slit her throat with a straight-edged razor
- Suzy learned though local folk legend that the dance
school was founded by Greek emigre Helena Markos (Lela Svasta), who
was suspected of being a witch and Queen of a coven; Markos
was also known as Mater Suspiriorum, or the Mother of Sighs
- Suzy
realized the meaning of the words ("iris" and "secret")
that Pat Hingle had spoken the night of her death after entering
Madame Blanc's office, where she saw the walls painted
with irises - turning the blue iris, a hidden door opened, and the
young dancer-student Suzy entered the secret passageway to explore
the witches' headquarters where a coven was gathered together; she
overheard Madame Blanc instructing Ms. Tanner and her followers: "We've
got to get rid of that bitch of an American girl. Vanish! She must
vanish! Make her disappear! Understand?...She must die! Die! Die!
Helena, give me power!"
- in a climactic scary sequence, as Suzy turned around,
she noticed the blood-stained corpse of Sara; she retreated
to an adjoining room with a large glass peacock statue; in the room,
head witch Helena Markos was resting on a bed - with her distinctive
snoring; Suzy accidentally knocked over the statue and awakened the
sleeping Markos, who sat up and asked threatening questions: "Who
is it? Who's there? I've been expecting you, the American girl. I
knew you'd come. You want to kill me? You want to kill Helena Markos?....Now
death is coming for you, You wanted to kill Elena Markos? Hell is
behind that door! You're going to meet death, now! The living death!"
- Suzy was attacked by the reanimated corpse of butcher
knife-wielding Sara, ordered to kill her by revenge-seeking head
witch Helena Markos; Suzy was able to stab the
figure of Markos in the throat with one long tailfeather of the large
glass peacock statue; closeups were visible of the face of the bestial
creature with clawed hands, as it moaned and groaned and was destroyed; Sara
and Markos faded away from view after the stabbing, and other coven
members began to perish

Blood-Stained Corpse of Sara

Suzy Next to Peacock Statue

Sara Reanimated and Commanded to Kill Suzy
- this caused all apocalyptic hell
to break loose as the whole building began to internally explode;
it completely erupted in a conflagration of flames and destruction,
as Suzy fled from the school

Deaths of Coven Members
Suzy Fled From Self-Destructing Academy

Ingénue Suzy Bannion (Jessica Harper) Arriving at
Munich Airport

Taxi-Cab Ride to Dance Academy

Ornate Entrance to Tanz Academy

Second Victim Sonia: Bi-Sected by Falling Shard of Glass
in Lobby of Apartment

Maggots Raining From the Ceiling

Blind Pianist - Death by Seeing-Eye Dog

Razor-Wire and Throat-Slitting Death of Sara

Clue: A Blue Iris Painted on a Wall - Opening Up Secret Passageway to
Witches' Coven

Bestial Helena Markos Stabbed and Destroyed by Suzy