Siesta (1987)
In this plot-twisting, surreal,
often confusing and odd arthouse film and erotic mystery-drama, it
was the first time directorial effort of Mary Lambert. (Lambert's
next film was the Stephen King adaptation Pet
Sematary (1989), and she followed up with its sequel in 1992.)
It was praised for its jazzy-trumpet score by trumpeter Miles Davis.
The film's fragmented, often incoherent and subjective
plotline about obsessive love and the acceptance of destiny and change
told about the strange adventures (fantasies and memories) of a daredevil
stuntwoman who had returned back to Spain. There over a 5-day period,
she was reunited with her married ex-boyfriend (a Spanish trapeze
acrobat and the love of her life) for an eventually-deadly love affair.
Much of the film reminded the viewer of the film Memento
(2000) with
its plot-twist 'death-dream' ending. The title was referenced
in the film's tagline: "The time of day when mystery and eroticism
become one."
Its screenplay (by Patricia Louisianna Knop, who had just written the
screenplay for Adrian Lyne's 9 1/2 Weeks (1986), and would go to similar erotic films, such as
Wild Orchid (1990) and Delta of Venus (1995)) was
based on a novel by Patrice Chaplin (Charlie Chaplin’s
granddaughter) first published in 1987.
It was a major box-office
flop - budgeted at $5 million, its box-office revenue was
only $700,000. It was nominated for two Razzie Awards in the Worst
Supporting Actress category: for Grace Jones as Conchita, and Isabella
Rossellini as Marie.
- in the intriguing opening scene, an unidentified
female (Ellen Barkin) awakened at the edge of an airport runway
near Madrid, Spain - on the Fourth of July; she was clothed in
a bright red party dress (without underwear) and she noticed that
her body was covered in bruises and someone else's blood; she screamed,
and ran down a roadway (avoiding an oncoming truck) to a nearby
Opening Sequence with Claire (Ellen Barkin)
- there, she stripped off the dress and rinsed out
the blood; she mumbled to herself that she might be involved in
a murder (SPOILER: yes - her own!), although she was completely
confused and forgetful of what might have happened to her: "It's
not my blood, must be somebody else's. I must have really hurt
him. I must have hurt him pretty bad."
- then, she dried herself by the sun's rays on the
muddy bank of the water before reclothing herself; afterwards,
she ran down a road, hailed a taxi, and in the back seat, she exclaimed: "I'm
in Spain! Aw, jeez. What the f--k am I doing here?"
- her passport, money and everything else were in her bag - which she realized
she didn't have: "I don't have money. Everything's
in my bag. My passport, everything. My god, what's happened to me?...I
remember coming here, and I don't remember anything else"
- suffering from amnesia and not knowing her past,
the film then flashbacked (with mixed-up or scrambled memories
including flash-forwards) to five days earlier on June 29th, to
reveal her identity:
- she was a professional daredevil stuntwoman at Death
Valley, CA named Claire, who was lovelessly married for six years
to Del (Martin Sheen), her shameless, Southern-drawling promoter
- Del was pressuring Claire to perform a free-fall stunt (death-defying
without a parachute) on July 4th into a giant safety net stretched
over an artificial, man-made volcano - the event was heralded
as "Claire on a Dare" (similar to various real-life stunts
performed by US dare-devil Evel Knievel)
- before the July 4th event, Claire had hurriedly
abandoned Del and flown to Spain to see her old boyfriend -
Spanish trapeze-artist Augustine (Gabriel Byrne) who had trained
her for aerial acrobatics as his "star pupil"
- she left a message on their own phone-answering
machine to alert Del to her whereabouts, while standing in
front of an insignia ("LIVE FAST DIE YOUNG")
[Note: Actress Ellen Barkin was marrried to Byrne in 1988 and
then divorced him in 1993.]
- back in Spain, the lewd taxi driver (Alexy Syale)
with steel-capped teeth dropped Claire off
in downtown Madrid, where she entered a church and prayed: "I
must be in some kind of trouble"
- she met up with ex-boyfriend Augustine, a trazepe
acrobat who had taught her the fine art of high-wire stunts, and
wanted to reignite their love affair despite the fact that he was
married to a very jealous Marie (Isabella Rossellini), a wealthy
woman; Augustine clearly warned her: "Go
away from here, Claire. Please! There will be trouble if you stay" -
knowing that she was unable to recover from the end of their past
- in the street, Claire noticed
a newspaper article about herself - an American Female ("Daredevil")
who remained lost or missing; apparently, she was being pursued
by local police who suspected that she had murdered someone (Marie?)

Kit (Julian Sands), An Artist

Nancy (Jodie Foster)

Meeting with Kit
- after being stalked and propositioned by the cab-driver,
she entered a posh photo-exhibition gallery party in progress (one
of the photos exhibited was of herself); she met up with a number
of profligate and dissolute individuals (exiles), including:
- Kit (Julian Sands), an artist
- Desdra (Anastassia Stakis), Kit's possessive wife
- Nancy (Jodi Foster) an upper-class, bi-sexual
socialite with a British accent, who was sexually-partnered
with Kit and also developed feelings for Claire
Claire's Sexual Swinging Escapades with Kit and
- Claire expressed her confused worries to Kit about
what she thought might have happened to her: "I
killed someone. I'm in love with a man and I killed his wife"
- when Claire met Marie (Augustine's jealous wife), Marie stated that Claire's
death-jumps without a parachute meant: "Perhaps feeling closer
to death makes her feel more alive"
- one afternoon during 'siesta' time, Claire approached
Augustine and propositioned him: "Make love to me," but he declined,
although he suggested they get together at the same time in the future
- meanwhile, Claire was also experiencing premonitions
of her own death/murder, although she didn't realize it: ("Somewhere,
I don't know where, I turned a corner and there was no turning
back. Somewhere I made a mistake"); Kit advised her that she
might learn from her mistakes: "Don't mourn it,
sweet. It's alright. The marvelous thing about making mistakes
is that you can keep making them, the same ones, over and over
again," but Claire disagreed with his assessment: ("You
maybe, not me. To me, mistakes are desperate things. If I make
a mistake, even a very tiny one, I'm through, the end, the eternal
Claire seemed to have a death-wish - exemplified by her crassly-commercial
daredevil-jump: "When
I jump, I know that if I make a mistake, I won't have to account
for it later"
- strangely, she jumped onto
the roof of a tour bus that dropped tourists off at a bull-ring,
where she fled and was picked up by the same cabbie who was now threatening
rape ("You f--k with me on top, OK?"); Claire claimed she wouldn't feel or know
anything if she closed her eyes: "I'll forget it when it's over.
I'm forgetting it right now...You call the rules, fat boy. Whatever
you say. I'm not going to feel it anyway..."; a car crash interrupted his threats.
- during a fateful sexual rendezvous
between Augustine and Claire at siesta time, she requested that he
run away with her; the sequence was interspersed with the cabbie's
rape-assault on Claire, as he beat her and yelled: "You're no
good!"; after Claire removed her panties, Augustine touched her breasts as he pulled
down on her red dress; they were both naked and began to make love
Claire's Fateful Love-Making Rendezvous with Augustine
- there were deadly results to their love-making; police
sped to the scene of a murder, and Claire was swept along with
a group of townspeople who rushed through the streets to view the
crime scene; Kit appeared along side Claire and advised her: "Don't
fight it any more, love. Go where you're being taken"
- when she awoke in Augustine's arms after sex, Claire
was attacked by the wronged and crazed Maria wielding a knife,
and viciously stabbed in the abdomen; Augustine fought off Maria,
and then crouched over the body of his loved one
Claire's Love-Making Rendezvous with Augustine
- With Deadly Consequences
- the killer Maria was arrested and led away by the
authorities - much later it was revealed that she had disposed of
Claire's body at the airport: ("Maria, why
did you leave her body at the airport?"); Augustine walked by
Claire, but he didn't see her as she spoke the film's final line
of dialogue to him: (Claire: "Augustine, tell me. If it wasn't
her who was killed, if it was me, why do I still feel such love?")
- the film's often-used gimmicky plot twist at the end
was that Claire had been murdered by Augustine's crazed wife and
her experiences were only the jumbled, fantasy thoughts and dreams
of her final moments before her death

Claire in a Taxi in Spain: "I'm in Spain! Aw, jeez.
What the f--k am I doing here?"
Flashback to Death Valley, CA - 5 days earlier

Claire's Promoter Husband Del (Martin Sheen)

"Claire on a Dare" Free-Fall Stunt at Death Valley

Enactment of Claire's Dare-Devil Free-Fall Jump

Claire Leaving Del a Message About Her Impulsive Trip to Spain Before Her July
4th Jump

On the Street in Madrid

Visiting with Augustine (Gabriel Byrne) - Her Ex-Boyfriend/ Acrobatic Trainer

Newspaper Article About "Daredevil" American

Claire with Both Augustine and His Jealous Wife Maria
(Isabella Rossellini)

Claire's Confused State

Claire to Augustine: "Make love to me" - Although He Initially Declined

A View of Claire's Deadly Free-Falling Jump From an Airplane - A Metaphor For
the Entire Film

During Sex with Augustine, It Was Interspersed with the Cabbie's Rape of